HBCE 2008 - Wrap Up...

13 Mar 2008 - {"display_name"=>"Texas LEGO User Group San Antonio", "login"=>"texlugsa", "email"=>"texlugsa@gmail.com", "url"=>"http://www.texlugsa.org/"}

Thanks so much for such a successful event. It was great to see so many people visit our booth. I just got back from an out of state trip so pictures of the event will follow shortly. I'm also working on a great video that should be a lot of fun.

The event apparently brought in 11,500 people. If you stopped by the booth and signed up thanks I'll be following up with you next week to give you dates on our next meeting.

Recheck this post for updates on pictures and video when they are uploaded. Done.

The Event Videos:


TexLUG @ HBCE 2008 - When Monuments Attack Minifigs!


Chris's Photo's http://www.texlugsa.org/gallery/20080308_TexLUG/

Tony's flicker photoset